Who Leads Charity Restructuring?

In my prior blog, I listed some of the main options facing a struggling charity. Let’s turn now to who might lead the consideration of such major changes, and what the decision-making process might involve. Leadership Options All the analysis below assumes the internal individuals involved are skilled, competent and dedicated to the mission. And … Read more

When a Charity’s Options Dwindle

Many Canadian charities were already struggling to meet rising needs. They certainly didn’t need a postal strike during their biggest fundraising time of the year. [Update: or a big increase in postal rates right afterwards!] Even though many donors now give online, many of the older and more generous donors wait for a letter and … Read more

Recommended Non-Canadian Podcasts on NFP Governance

I recently posted a list of Canadian podcasts for not-for-profit leaders in Canada, and promised a follow-up list of recommended non-Canadian ones. Here it is! What did I miss? As far as I know. these are available through Apple, Spotify or wherever you listen to your podcast subscriptions. 1. Inspired Nonprofit Leadership Location: California, USA … Read more

I Just Watched the Last One

This blog title sums up the total preparation done by many of the incoming board chairs I’ve dealt with. According to an Alliance for Nonprofit Management research report, about 51% of new not-for-profit board chairs say they did nothing to prepare. Most had not been a Vice Chair, and some had not even chaired a committee. Is this … Read more

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