The Outcomes that Matter

Let’s start with the personal. I had an operation last year, after which the symptoms that were the reason for the operation got worse. The surgeon still regards the operation as a success because she did something (possibly the wrong something) technically well. Which outcome do you think matters most – patient health or a surgeon’s pride in their … Read more

An Olympic Athlete Needs a Coach. So Do You.

In the sports world, the better you are at your sport, the better your coach has to be too. Those who work with beginners don’t expect to coach at world competitions. Athletes find new coaches with higher qualifications and more relevant experience as they progress. So, are you better at your job that that gold … Read more

Who is the Heart of our Sector?

The main speaker of a podcast I recently listened to described fundraisers as the heart of the charity sector. I normally hold that podcast organization high regard, but no. With the greatest respect for good fundraisers, just NO. The front-line people doing the actual work of our programs and services are the heart. The social … Read more

Let’s Ditch the Phrase “Best Practices”

I have been delighted to learn that many of my best colleagues cringe just as I do at the phrase “best practices.” Best for whom? When? Why? Let’s take an example. It’s best practice to avoid having spouses on a board. And many of us have seen horrible results from such arrangements. If one spouse … Read more

Is Your Board Practicing Intentional Governance?

Proposed approach for Intentional Governance: An explicit desire to improve governance is voiced and appears to have majority support. A conscious decision is made, at least on first steps. A committee or working group is formed with an assigned purpose of recommending enhancements. A work plan emerges after deliberate discussion of the nature of desired change.

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