These blog articles from 2017 stand out in my mind as thought-provoking yet practical, with innovative ideas to benefit our organizations and ourselves or at least great ways to cover a topic. And they will lead you to sites that contain many excellent blog articles – check the lists at each for what titles resonate or relate to a current issue for you.
These days, when someone asks me to recommend books on nonprofits, my mind jumps first to blogs given how timely the topics being covered and the quality of some of the blog writers. Many of even the best books become out-dated fairly fast. The authors themselves develop and test their ideas and their thinking evolves – not that I’m going to stop reading books!
Insanely busy right now? Time, at best, to follow only one blog? If you care at all about social justice and inclusion, it has to be Nonprofit AF. Vu Le will make you laugh, cry and get angry about the inequity resulting from unintentional bad practices. And I really hope you will get determined to change at least one major thing about your own organization as well as your own thinking because of his writing. And I’m not just talking about nonprofit organizations, despite the focus. His blogs particularly need to be top of the reading list for funders.
Vu Le:
And here’s the rest of my recommended
list, in alphabetical order by author:
- Steve Bowman:
- Mike Burns: The Theory of Change: A Tool for Bringing Board Members Together
- Jayne Cravens: (some of you may have seen my tweet about how amazing this article is)
- Alexandra Gardner:
- Hildy Gottlieb:
- Brian Hayman:
- Denice Hinden:
- Terry Ibele:
- Richard LeBlanc:
- Heather Plett:
- Dan Rockwell: (this one really made me stop and re-think my approach!)
- Terrie Temkin:
I’m interested in blogging but don’t know how to get started. I have been encouraged to update aspects of my dissertation and or highlight tidbits from the many workshops I developed and offer.
How does one start a blog and make it worth reading? Can one make money blogging by encouraging readers to want to meet individually to get more personal support?
I’ve added my website but as a busy college professor I’ve not been able to update it. I believe that’s where I could post my blog.